
In 2011, Jason and Mary Erb began an exciting new chapter of their life when they became foster care parents. Soon after, they adopted a sibling group of three and expanded their family from four to seven. Today, the seams of their home burst with the love, joy, excitement and challenges that come with raising a large, active family.

But the Erbs’ story doesn’t end there. The Niles couple says God also placed a burden on their heart to help young men and women who have aged out of the foster care system. Through their experience as foster care parents and relationships built with the staff of Trumbull County Children Services, Jason and Mary became acutely aware of an un-met need in our community: former foster care youth.


Supported by county officials, local church leaders and others in the community, the Erbs have reached beyond their own family circle and invest in the lives of former foster youth through the creation of a non-profit organization, A Place to Call Home, ILP.

The goals of this independent living program are simple and include:

  1. Creating Connections

  2. Finding Faith

  3. Rewriting Legacies